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26 votes
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Dealing with a user who just won't follow the rules

I would like to open by stating this user is not abusive or rude and I am not looking to get him banned or anything like that, I write this because he could be a good contributor. The user has ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
10 votes
1 answer

Why do users who are no longer very active still get so much reputation?

When I click the Users button in the left navigation bar, I am taken to a page that lists users by reputation increase. What seems surprising is that, many of the users listed don't seem to have ...
Zanna's user avatar
  • 71.6k
8 votes
2 answers

Users strange behaviour

I noticed something about this user, almost all questions they ask are answered for them in comments or by other users and they take this information and create there own answers with it and accept it,...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
  • 18.8k
7 votes
2 answers

Can there be two users with the same nickname?

The title says it all. See for example the OPs here: Gnome 3 Shell - Launcher displayed in center of the screen How can I lock AND blank the screen from the keyboard in 14.04? Are they the same? ...
Rmano's user avatar
  • 32.3k
7 votes
1 answer

What does the number under a user's name mean?

I was browsing through the users section of askubuntu when I noticed something strange: The number beneath the user's name was not equal to their reputation, although the list was set to be sorted by ...'s user avatar
  • 447
6 votes
1 answer

Can I tag people in the comments of an unanswered question?

I have noticed that some users have a lot of expertise in certain fields. For example, C.S.Cameron has answered a lot of questions on interesting unconventional installation methods, N0rbert has ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
6 votes
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How can I pass a question on to another user?

I created a question on behalf of a non-AU user. Now they've signed up for AU. Can I make them the owner of the question, and if so, how? If not, what's the closest alternative?
lofidevops's user avatar
  • 21.6k
4 votes
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when addressing to user in comments - @user as it is or without spaces?? example @Abcd E F or @AbcdEF?

I am confused while addressing the user in comments.. if the user name for example "Abcd E F" How do I address it, @Abcd E F or @AbcdEF ??
PRATAP's user avatar
  • 22.9k
3 votes
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Can I Know User Is Logged in or Not?

I want to know if a user is online at a given time or not. So that commenting on a question or answer would be effective. Because the user profile only shows that the user was last seen : (Ex:30 ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 36.8k
2 votes
1 answer

How to address a question to a particular user?

Suppose I ask a question..I know that some user might be knowing its answer.. For eg,its a question related to a script.and i know that user xyz is good in scripts.I want him to notice my question.....
Nirmik's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How can I reply to a user?

I want to ask a question to a user on Ask Ubuntu, but I don't understand how to do it. There is no email, no nothing. Can you tell me how to do it?
Dan Norris's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How does SE generate profile pictures for new users?

When a new user joins the site a profile picture is automatically generated for them, how is this image generated? And does SE do it, or a third-party application?
user avatar
0 votes
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Questions that have been asnwered, but the OP no longer has an account so can't accept an answer

It's really bugging me, and I think that something needs to be done about it, I keep on finding questions like this one which have very good answers, and some of the answers have a lot of upvotes, and ...
user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

You could be antagonizing newcomers [closed]

I've seen answers antagonizing newcomers and people that got out of the mainstream questions that could potentially yield significant learning/lessons. What's the point of using a FOSS system if you'...
userDepth's user avatar
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