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-1 votes
1 answer

Why does the tag `20.10` Even exist If it is off topic?

Why does the tags of the releases who have met there end life even exists for eg - 20.10 19.04 16.04 What are the point of still using these tags ? When all the questions about them are off topic , I ...
14 votes
1 answer

Can we burninate [hardware-recommendation]?

The help center says: Questions that you should avoid: Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Backtrack, Gnome-Remix (prior to 13.04), budgie-remix (16.04 and 16.10) and other Linux distributions (try our ...
4 votes
2 answers

Is UBPorts within the scope of AskUbuntu?

I have this question here: Does SECURE BOOT need to be disabled on the Nexus 5 before I can install UBPort's Ubuntu Phone Image? I subsequently created new tags for UBPorts, and one of its core ...
12 votes
1 answer

Would a off-topic tag warning be a good-idea? [duplicate]

Here on Ask Ubuntu we have quite a lot of tags for various Linux distributions/Operating Systems/things that could be off-topic if specific about them: debian, mint, fedora, crunchbang, windows, ...