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Should [edits] and [editing] be tag synonyms on meta?

I think the edits and editing should be the same (on Meta). I guess there is a small difference (one being the action and one being the edit itself). But the tags are used interchangeably, so I think ...
cocomac's user avatar
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Merge [picasa] into [google-picasa]

There are two tags for Picasa by Google, there should be one, preferably [google-picasa], since people interested in all sorts of Google software can follow them easily using [google*].
Braiam's user avatar
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The plethora of power management tags - what to do?

We have a large number of power management related tags: power-management suspend standby hibernate There is also tag shutdown which is used in conjunction with power management but should be ...
Flyk's user avatar
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Can we remove the synonym link between tags ‘appmenu’ and ‘applications-menu’?

The appmenu tag is for the global application menu AKA appmenu-indicator, that allows screen real estate to be conserved in desktop environments (DE's, AKA ‘graphical shells’) that support it. The ...
James Haigh's user avatar
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Tag synonyms needed [duplicate]

I noticed that there are two nearly-identical tags: script and scripts. One should be made a synonym of the other, but I don't have enough rep to do so. Would someone else like to handle this?
Scott Severance's user avatar
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Are tag synonyms even benefitting StackExchange?

Why do we have tag synonyms? Do they really help? If I search for imaginary "Tag1", would its imaginary synonym "Tag2" also be searched?
Devyn Collier Johnson's user avatar
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Merge python with python-2.7

Currently there are three tags for Python questions: python python-2.7 python3 Whilst I see the reason for the existence of python3, I can't see how python-2.7 could be useful. I guess it has been ...
Andrea Corbellini's user avatar
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Why the ccsm has duplicated tags?

The Compiz Config Settings Manager or ccsm have two tags: compiz used 1169 times ccsm used 25 times Why don't include the cssm tag into the compiz one? No one of both could be deleted? Or no one ...
Lucio's user avatar
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Should the 'on-topic' and 'offtopic-questions' tags become synonyms?

I think that the tags on this site called on-topic and offtopic-questions should be made synonyms of each other, and yes, it may be argued that they are actually complete opposites of each other, ...
user avatar
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Tag Synonym Request: [ppc] -> [powerpc]

The tag wikis for ppc and powerpc are exactly the same. Please, make ppc a synonym for powerpc.
Eric Carvalho's user avatar
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Can we synonymize the `apache-openoffice` and `` tags please?

Since the tags apache-openoffice and tags are for the same topic, can we please synonymize them?
Seth's user avatar
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Tag synonym request: duplicate -> [duplicate-files]

duplicate's wiki says: Two or more files that exactly same. ... which is pretty much what duplicate-files says right in the name. Either way would do, but one of them must go. Aside: Ah. We can't ...
muru's user avatar
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Unsynonimyze cups and printing

I can print without CUPS and I can ask a CUPS question without asking about printing. They are closely related tags but separated enough to be on their own. There are several CUPS related tags in the ...
Braiam's user avatar
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Reverse the synonym of indicator-power tag to indicator and rename it to power-indicator

Today I killed the battery-indicator tag. Why, well, because I know there's a tag that already covers that topic, [indicator-power] but checking out several questions I knew why the user that created ...
Braiam's user avatar
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Tag Synonym Request: [scanning] -> [scanner]

Since, I would argue that these tags have no difference in meaning (this thread has a +9/-1 score), scanning has no wiki, while scanner does, the tag synonym suggestion mechanism is fundamentally ...
TRiG's user avatar
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Tag synonym request [boot-failure]->[boot]

I don't have the necessary score to propose boot-failure->boot, so could someone with the necessary score please propose it? Thanks!
nanofarad's user avatar
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Tag Synonym Request: [respin] -> [remastersys]

We have a lot of remastersys questions. We have very few respin questions, but they sometimes pop up. As Respin is a fork (and is pretty similar to) of RemasterSys, it would make sense to have a ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
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Can we have the tag game-controller?

Can we have the tag game-controller with joystick and gamepad as synonyms? Excerpt: Questions related to using game controllers like gamepads and joysticks with Ubuntu. I tried looking around on ...
LiveWireBT's user avatar
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Boot related tags, should we synonymize them all?

I've seen that more often that most, multi-boot, triple-boot, dual-boot are usually about the boot process. Shouldn't we synonymize them all?
Braiam's user avatar
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Tag Synonym Request: [dual-monitor] -> [multiple-monitors]

This is relatively short... It seems unnecessary to have both dual-monitors AND multiple-monitors. The latter tag should be able to cover every question including the former as it's still more than a ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
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Why is man synonymized to manpage?

Correct me if I'm wrong but: I can ask for help writing a manpage I can ask about using the man command I can ask how to install specific manpages I can ask how to install man These questions are ...
Braiam's user avatar
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Tag synonym request: [gnome3] -> [gnome3.4]

Is there a real changes gnome3 and gnome3.4 for to be tag synonyms?
hingev's user avatar
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Add tag synonyms for [tag:community]

There are a bunch of ways to say the concept behind community. I was tagging a question and typed what I thought were plausible ways to express it (project, management, ubuntu-project, governance, ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
-4 votes
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Combine [vi] and [vim] tags

We should combine the [vi] and the [vim] tags. From the [vi] tag wiki: Questions about the text editor "vi" or "vim" I am not sure whether to keep the [vi] tag or the [vim] tag, but I don't think ...
rlee827's user avatar
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Tag change: [cut-command] -> [cut]

The tag cut-command should be called cut. Many other commands, including cp, mv are not with the suffix -command. Please could we have cut-command changed to cut. Firstly, all the questions should ...
fosslinux's user avatar
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Tag change: [watch-command] -> [watch]

The tag watch-command should be called watch. Many other commands, including cp, mv are not with the suffix -command. Please could we have watch-command changed to watch. Firstly, all the questions ...
fosslinux's user avatar
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