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Can moderators confirm abandoned questions should be closed TL, not NARQ?

For quite some time, we've been using the too localized close reason for abandoned questions. Of course, if the question merits closure for another reason--it's a duplicate, it couldn't have been ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
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How is it decided which close reason is to be given?

I have recently been VTCing questions and noticing that even though I may VTC a question as off-topic, because there are a larger amount of people VTCing it for another reason, the other reason is ...
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What do we use for "not a question" posts?

So, since the changes to the close and flag reasons we lost the ability to mark "not a question" as a reason. We can still use that reason, for posts that are simply guides to fix something but aren'...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
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Closing questions using a non-valid argument

I posted yesterday this question and I was put on hold as off-topic because: "Bug reports and problems with the development version of Ubuntu should be reported on Launchpad so that developers can ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar