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12 votes
1 answer

Would a off-topic tag warning be a good-idea? [duplicate]

Here on Ask Ubuntu we have quite a lot of tags for various Linux distributions/Operating Systems/things that could be off-topic if specific about them: debian, mint, fedora, crunchbang, windows, ...
Wilf's user avatar
  • 30.6k
10 votes
3 answers

Applications, application and software tags must die!

Originally discussed here: The future of the applications/software tag(s) Needs to be discussed again as an effort to ban the tags permanently applications, application and software are useless - ...
Bruno Pereira's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Synonimization of singular/plural tag pairs

There are a few [foo]/[foos] tag pairs on Ask Ubuntu. Such tag pairs are usually the singular and plural of the same word and should be synonyms. Occasionally. Only moderators can create [foos] when [...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

I need some [help] getting rid of this tag from Ask Ubuntu Meta!

This tag is fully useless IMO. We don't need it. So... we have a help tag on Meta Ask Ubuntu (NOT the main site). IMO, it is useless. Let's go through the criteria to get rid of it: Does it describe ...
cocomac's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Can we *please* blacklist the error tag?

The tag has reappeared two more times again. The error has reappeared after at lease 2 purges. Can we please blacklist this tag? Reasons for this have been discussed several times already: The '...
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.9k
7 votes
2 answers

Is the ubuntu-desktop tag immortal ?

As of 2011-01-18, Jeff Atwood deleted the ubuntu-desktop tag. One day later there are already new ubuntu-desktop questions. Considering all askers are relatively new to askubuntu, I suppose they were ...
Maxime R.'s user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Please blacklist the 'bug' tag

In regards to this, the jrg has eliminated questions tagged with bug. I would like to request blacklisting of this tag,...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
10 votes
3 answers

Merging codenames with versions

Should we merge all codename tags with the version tags? Already there are tags like lucid and 10.04 which are identical.
Ressu's user avatar
  • 13.9k
7 votes
1 answer

Delete tag 14.04.1

The tag 14.04.1 seems useless, as there is already a 14.04 tag, and the questions involving the tag do not seem to be related to 14.04.1 but could be migrated to 14.04.
No Time's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

'games' or 'gaming' tag?

Is there any reason to have both gaming and games tags? IMO the games tag should be used instead of gaming. Should we replace all gaming tags with games or vice versa, or use tag synonyms instead?
Isaiah's user avatar
  • 60.3k
4 votes
1 answer

Tag Synonym Request: [script] -> [scripts]?

The tag scripts is just a pluralization of the tag script. Also, I don't know if these should be synommized with the shell-scripting tag. I suppose there are scripts that aren't shell scripts, ...
Kris Harper's user avatar
  • 13.6k
3 votes
1 answer

Tag Synonym Request: [monitor-resolution] -> [resolution]?

Seems like monitor-resolution should be synomized with resolution.
Kris Harper's user avatar
  • 13.6k