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16 votes
3 answers

Why does a user start off with 1 rep, and not 0?

Why does a user start off with 1 rep, and not 0? Is there a real reason for this? Or was it just decided because it wouldn't make much difference if it was 0 instead?
user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Am I allowed to ask for a rep boost?

I asked a question with a bounty and didn't realize I would loose the ability to comment. Can I get a few up votes to get enough reputation back please? I've seen this done on other meta sites so I ...
WalterJ89's user avatar
  • 237
7 votes
3 answers

What is required to become a moderator?

I can see some moderators editing posts here... These moderators have little reputation points such as 100 approx. and few silver and bronze badges. I wish to know what it takes to be a moderator on ...
ThunderBird's user avatar
  • 1,965
5 votes
2 answers

Why was I given 100 points for asking my first question on Webapps Stack Exchange?

As directed by a user in response to a comment on my question, I asked the question on Webapps also on Stack exchange (for the first time as I never knew there are other sites like this) and ...
Mysterio's user avatar
  • 12.2k
4 votes
2 answers

Is 20K reputation required for wiki tag approvals for new sites

I am one of the zeitgeist developers and I spend a lot of time helping people with problems and misconceptions. I had an idea of creating a wiki on askubuntu for the zeitgeist tag. When I opened the ...
Manish Sinha's user avatar
  • 11.7k
2 votes
0 answers

Mystery missing 10 reputation [duplicate]

As you can all see in the screen shot below I apparently had 400 rep However when I went to the reputation tab on my profile page it says i have 390 rep nor is there any entry to show the reputatuon ...
LinuxSailorTech's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why are only mods allowed to vote to migrate a question to another site (not including the site's Meta site)?

As far as I currently understand it, there are no users other than mods who can vote to migrate a question. Why isn't this ability granted to at least higher rep users, or at least to give users the ...
user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Question time period limit

I sometimes have more than 6 problems in a 24-hour period, or more than 50 in a 30-day period, so I think that it would be really good if the limit could be raised, or if you could add to your limit ...
user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

User Removed, and I lost 590 points! [duplicate]

A user was removed, and I lost 590 rep points! The reason that this question got asked again, is I still don't understand why us (other) users get penalized because some user got removed. Their votes,...
heynnema's user avatar
  • 72.6k