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13 votes
1 answer

Off-topic flagging links should be HTTPS now

When flagging a question, most links in the dialog that comes up are now HTTPS instead of HTTP, but it seems like the off-topic links (in Flagging > Closing > Off-Topic and in Flagging > Closing > Off-...
Chai T. Rex's user avatar
  • 5,293
0 votes
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Why no extra downvote with spam flag any more? [closed]

When I flag an answer as spam, it simply flags it up and doesn't add an extra downvote, previously though I would downvote the question/answer, and then upon the spam flag the system would give it ...
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5 votes
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Mod flag text box breaks out of flag dialouge [duplicate]

The mod flag text box goes over the edge of the flag dialogue:
Tim's user avatar
  • 33.3k
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a bug somewhere with the flagging system?

I just raised a single flag for spam on this question, and when clicking the flag button again the popup shows this: But I just flagged the question once, and accordingly I still have 9 flags ...
kos's user avatar
  • 40.9k
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Why is close as duplicate flag present at two places? [duplicate]

Why is the option to flag a post as duplicate present twice, as shown in images? I think the second of them needs to be removed(or justified)
Registered User's user avatar
2 votes
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Very low quality flag on a closed question, can't do anything but invalidate the flag?

I got two VLQ flags in my queue... actually the question is impossible to understand by normal humans, but I can't handle the flag if I don't either, invalidate (which I will not), or add a spam/...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 68.5k
2 votes
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Link broken in duplicate answer flags view

In the 10k+ tools for reviewing flags I see this glitch: This link used to work (at least yesterday). I could then click on the link to go to the automatically marked duplicate answer.
gertvdijk's user avatar
  • 69k
6 votes
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The flagged Queue is not updating correctly

When looking at Flagged Queue, and after flagging some or all the questions/Answers, the number of flags stays the same, or increases, when the number of flagged items decrease, or done all together. ...
Mitch's user avatar
  • 109k
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Why is my flag weight displayed with decimals [closed]

My flag weight is displayed with decimals. Currently it reads "510.0000" both on my user page for the main site and on my flagging summary page for the main site (no sense in linking the latter since ...
N.N.'s user avatar
  • 18.4k