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1 answer

An answer I provided has been edited and approved. Do I need to do anything?

An edit has been made to my answer to this question. It has already been approved by Jorge Castro and I agree with the edits. Do I need to do anything more?
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5 votes
2 answers

How do I edit my original question without rolling back?

I asked a question and subsequently a user (and then another one) edited my question. Their edits were tags (thank you) and formatting, both of which I really liked, but I have noticed a grammatical ...
Drew's user avatar
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4 answers

Are the criteria for peer-reviewed edits and "2000 rep" edits the same?

I've used the site for a relatively small time. I just edited an answer, and it was rejected on grounds of being too trivial. I am just wondering if this triviality bar "moves" as the cost of an edit ...
josinalvo's user avatar
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How can get past 5 edits

Sometimes, I need to edit multiple answers, (updates, changes, new ways, etc.). But I found out that I could only do 5 edits per day. How can get past this: You have already edited 5 of your own ...
Mitch's user avatar
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Is it OK to post, and how should we deal with, non-English (or partly non-English) answers intended for translation? [duplicate]

Questions in languages other than English, or which contain non-English text and translated text, have been discussed before on meta. But what about answers that are written in other languages? How ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
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1 answer

Should really good/detailed "me too" answers have their content merged into the question?

Usually "me too" answers don't contribute much to working on the problem, but sometimes they do, as when they present details that are subtly different than (or more detailed than) what is provided by ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
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How do I answer my Own Question?

Tonight I successfully resolved my own question. after getting into some difficulties. The resolution in the end was simple and came straight from the Ubuntu Community Documentation. The reason why ...
stephenmyall's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Where can I find a list of rejected edit suggestions?

I was just looking at my edit suggestions. Last I checked, I had 51 edits accepted and 2 rejected. Where can I find out what those rejected edits were, so I can learn from the experience?
Scott Severance's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why couldn't I edit question 79622?

I had wanted to edit this question to remove the signature in accordance with this policy (which has since been taken care of by zpletan). However, I was unable to do so. Since I only have 1,269 ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

A new user is missing their edit, comment, etc. links on their question

I encountered yet another question where the poster had submitted their response to my comment as an answer. As usual, I directed them to add the answer as a comment on their question instead. However,...
Knowledge Cube's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Notify a commentator of new information on the original question

How can I notify a user that placed a comment on my original question asking for extra information? This is because I once gave the extra information as a comment but it was placed on the original ...
xynkrn's user avatar
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1 answer

How do i request an edit to an answer?

Ive asked a question which so far has only received one answer. This answer was good enough to help me figure out the solution for myself, but isnt entirely accurate. I'd like to accept this answer ...
Detnuomnu's user avatar
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Why was this tag deleted and added in the same revision?

After editing a question's tags, its revisions page indicates that the r tag was both removed and added by me. Why wasn't it just left untouched?
ændrük's user avatar
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How can I link to a specific revision?

Sometimes I want to refer readers to a specific revision of a question. Can I accomplish this with a single link?
ændrük's user avatar
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Is editing too much, an annoyance? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is it possible to “over edit”? I'm kind of a perfectionist of sorts when it comes to my writing. I often go back, and edit my posts days later if I notice ...
Alan's user avatar
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1 answer

Comment re-edit time-out is too short.. and Is there a limit on deleting my comments?

I'd like to know how long a comment I've written is "available" to be re-edited... Either I'm too slow, or its too fast... Also, what limits are there on deleting a comment? ...(which I couldn't re-...
Peter.O's user avatar
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