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Questions tagged [10k-tools]

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10 votes
1 answer

What counts as a "controversial" edit?

In the Suggested Edits stats there is a "controversial" edits section. But after looking at these edits I'm not so sure what is so "controversial" about them and why the system identifies them as such....
0 votes
0 answers

Is there any way to hide deleted answers in "new answers to old questions" Tools section?

I have been looking through the new answers to old question Tools section recently and have been flagging up quite a few things missed by others and the system. But what makes this extra annoying and ...
7 votes
2 answers

At 10k rep, can you flag still?

Once you reach 10k rep, which I think is where you can review flags, can you flag or not? Because it seems pretty silly if you can...
4 votes
1 answer

Meaning of orange number left to the "review" button for 10k+ users [duplicate]

We all know that the orange bubble with the white number (here: 330) represents the number of Suggested edits for users with 3k+ reputation. But I have recently (today) reached 10k reputation and now ...
8 votes
3 answers

When I should vote to delete posts?

Due frequent misunderstandings on when to do what and under which conditions, lets remember why we vote to delete stuff.
2 votes
1 answer

Very low quality flag on a closed question, can't do anything but invalidate the flag?

I got two VLQ flags in my queue... actually the question is impossible to understand by normal humans, but I can't handle the flag if I don't either, invalidate (which I will not), or add a spam/...
2 votes
1 answer

What happened to "Flags" moderation tool?

There used to be a FLAGS tab in What happened? The same in meta:
6 votes
1 answer

Hey 10kers... you also have the delete votes

Well, the users with 10,000 reputation or more has access to the moderation tools (commonly referred as 10k-tools) which give more insight over the site itself. There's also the infamous flag queue ...
4 votes
2 answers

Can we have "tools" link at the top of Ask Ubuntu site?

For users (not moderators) who have more than 10,000 reputation and who have access to o moderator tools why doesn't exist a link for tools at the top of Ask Ubuntu site? How can we have it there? I ...
12 votes
1 answer

Use different colors for the flag indicator and the suggested edit indicator

The flag indicator and the suggested edit indicator look exactly alike, they can only be distinguished by their position (from left to right: flags, “review”, suggested edits). Most other sites use a ...