This question:
New alert keeps showing up: Server returned error NXDOMAIN, mitigating potential DNS violation DVE-2018-0001 - Ask Ubuntu
reports an annoying syslog message.
The selected answer (currently with 56 upvotes) gives a solution for for these annoying syslog entries:
cd /etc && \
mv resolv.conf resolv.conf.orig && \
ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf resolv.conf
The highest rated comment (24 votes) and the second highest rated answer (52 votes) say that this is only a workaround and it is wrong as it skips some processing and only hides the real problem. No other solution is offered though.
Many other answers (far fewer votes) give various other ways of "solving" the problem.
In the first 8 hours today (when the system wasn't even in use) my /var/log/syslog
accumulated 124 of those annoying (displayed in red in view
) messages.
I'd like to eliminate them, but there doesn't seem to be any consensus on the correct way of doing that.
(So, like many others, I've closed my eyes and made the link, knowing that it is wrong.)
I'd expect that there would be a practical correction for this problem. But all we have is a choice between:
- a way to hide the message by breaking something else (use a penny as a fuse).
- a dismissal that "this can be tolerated" (don't use your hair dryer).
After several years of this, surely the community should be able to come up with something better than that.
Even if we don't care about this specific problem itself, shouldn't we care that the highly voted and accepted answer is wrong, and that the second best answer offers no real solution?
(now deprecated), I would approve an edit that usesschroot