Recently, I began pursuing a goal of making a chatbot for our AskUbuntu General Room. One of the features I added to the bot was a filter that would run every minute, attempting to find any undesirable posts, like those containing the word mint
. If a post matches a keyword, the bot will post a message with the link to the question and the matching keywords.
Now, this feature is working pretty well, all things considered. Due to some magic and the community, we managed to get the false positive rate to drop a decent amount.
Given this, one of the issues that now surrounds the bot is where it should go. At the moment, there are two dissenting opinions:
Both of these options obviously have their upsides and downsides, but the bot can only technically be in one room because I am not a good coder. Therefore, I've opened this discussion up to the community as a whole, as this bot exists to help the community (while occasionally being fun?).
So... provided the bot should even move to an official room/position, where should it go?
are of topic and people make mistakes with this all the time. Would this not encourage mass closing of any post that dears to mention another OS? If people are already closing questions wrongly that mention these key words, surly having them presented by a bot is encouraging people to read the questions less than they do now, or am I missing something here?chatbot
thingy. If it is less than <32K you can source block insert it into your question right? You claim to be a <good coder which I doubt but perhaps others can prune it right? Besides I've never seen aWolf in Robot Silicone
and it would be interesting :Dgithub
screen. I always get lost there.