I guess I don't understand why some obvious off-topic questions seem to be welcomed and some others that are no more off-topic are banned.
A while back, in this post (How to set a custom page to replace the default Firefox New Tab page), I asked why a question of Firefox usage was asked in askubuntu, rather than a firefox forum, and the tide seemed to go against me, with the accepted answer getting upvoted (https://meta.askubuntu.com/a/14383/39753).
OK, so I helped someone with a problem recently (https://askubuntu.com/q/751984/39753) and the answer sort of showed it to be off-topic, but the question itself seemed to fit into the on-topic guidelines of getting an app (apache) to work with Ubuntu. Yet the poor poster was downvoted a lot, and the topic was declared to be off-topic.
Why is that any more off-topic than the many questions about virtualbox, or even these, ironically, by one of the users (muru) who voted for it to be off-topic: https://askubuntu.com/a/680226/39753 or How to set a custom page to replace the default Firefox New Tab page?
The reasons given are not very helpful to a new user, and tends to discourage them from posting questions because it's not clear to them what is considered on-topic. It's apparently not really clear to anyone.
I think gray areas such as this question should be given more leeway, and should be allowed rather than disallowed if it's not clearly off-topic.
EDIT - tl;dr
The posted question I'm referring to had code in it which was 100% correct. It worked perfectly as is on my working system. But the code did not work correctly on the OP's system, because Apache was not set up correctly to recognize php code. So, Apache interpreted it as pure HTML code, and simply ignored the php. I thought I explained this, but either I didn't, or everyone saw all the code and assumed it was a programming problem.
If the OP had realized what was happening, and simply said the php code was being ignored without posting the code, I suspect the question would not have been voted off-topic.
Due to to the continued inability of people here to even understand the actual point of my question, and can't seem to grasp the difference between a question about code, and a question about why the (100% correct) code doesn't work in an app, and who then get offended and go back to my correct answer and downvote it, insisting it is incorrect without understanding why it is correct, I deleted my answer.
Since everyone insists it's wrong, and the question is off-topic, and the original poster doesn't even care to take time to understand what happened, it should be no great loss.
To those of you who think I deleted it due to lack of rep points, you don't know me very well - I'm not a rep whore like some of you obviously are.
So, congratulations; you won. I also won, as I can now make better use of my free time than trying to help ungrateful users.
extension there in the address bar, so that's not the issue. But again this was coding question , about PHP. It would be the same as someone asking generic C++ question.ask whatever you like
, if a question is off topic then it is off topic, we help a lot of people but must stay on topic or the site will descend in to chaos.immature jerks
but it was you who resorted to insults. I just answered your meta question, nothing more, I did not downvote your answer, it looked fine to me. Basically you are saying, your opinion is really important and we should trust it but ours are a "side issue" and you don't have time for it? You are like a spoiled child who did not get there way, lashing out because you think your opinion is the only opinion. I am sorry your answer got downvoted but you brought it on your self, with your hostile attitude towards anyone who dose not agree with you.