As the reputation requirement to comment is pretty high (50), many new users who want to contribute to the site use answers to leave a comment on questions, e.g. to request additional information needed to write a proper answer.
Sometimes those posts (which always get flagged as not-an-answer of course) are just not good and there is no other way than delete them. But sometimes the post would be a really good and useful comment - just not an answer.
I don't want to change the flagging process, but I would like to ask if we should improve the reviewing process. Because as far as I know, only diamond-moderators have the power to convert those two post types.
My suggestion is to add another option to the Low-Quality review queue, so that normal users (with 2k+ rep) also can convert those good but wrongly posted comments.
If there is a problem with letting normal users do this (e.g. need to edit sometimes to fit the maximum comment length or to repair the formatting), I would at least recommend to add an option to re-flag the post as "needs conversion (answer to comment)" which then can be easily found and processed by the real moderators.
Anyway, I think we should give low reputation users a better chance to contribute to the site. As lowering the comment requirement (as suggested in other meta posts) is not an option, in my opinion treating those not-answers which get reviewed anyway specially is the best chance to achieve this without increasing review effort.
What do you think?
Please vote on the question itself (upvote for agreement - downvote for total disagreement) as well as on the answer that fits your opinion best.
If you want to add other possible proposals, please don't be shy and post them as another answer.