Well the title says it. Should I answer a question that is technically (or blatantly) off-topic if I know the answer? Example: This question got a downvote as well as multiple flags from me. If I can just answer the question so that the user will be satisfied and go away, should I?
1 Answer
The simple answer: no
- you cast a close vote against an appropriate category.
- you can also then downvote.
Refer Should I answer off-topic questions?
If the question is likely to be migrated to another site, answer it.
Users who answer off topic questions will not be reprimanded. By the way.– Stefano Palazzo ModCommented Nov 13, 2015 at 14:56
1@Daniel They won't, but then such people will be enabling useless users who can't be bothered about the quality of the site.– muruCommented Nov 13, 2015 at 16:17