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RobotHumans's user avatar
RobotHumans's user avatar
RobotHumans's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
2 votes

Should we delete closed questions?

2 votes

what system is using on website

2 votes

Shouldn't the change of user name be signalled to all people who posted in relation to the former name?

2 votes

How can I bump a question if I already have all the information and can't bounty?

2 votes

Suggest Tag-Create [tag:legacy-bios]?

2 votes

When is "forking" a version-specific canonical question for the latest release acceptable?

2 votes

Should there be a canonical "How/where do I get package X edge PPA" question?

2 votes

How can bash question is on-topic and C programming off-topic?

2 votes

How far an explanation should go / does it legitimate double posts / answers?

2 votes

What is this "clone" site doing? And why?

2 votes

Should an answer like remove Ubuntu and install (insert distro here) be flagged / downvoted?

2 votes

Bug in the reputation calculation (possibly involving migration?)

2 votes

Why are people voting down my good posts?

2 votes

Ask Ubuntu Meta and Ask Ubuntu Reputation is not Synchronized

2 votes

Are Qt questions on topic?

2 votes

Warn on mention of /usr/bin

2 votes

Q&A style within answer

2 votes

What should I (or we) do about answers that obviously miss the point of the question entirely?

1 vote

Possible Duplicate Post, How to reserve an answer?

1 vote

When can tags be changed during edit?

1 vote

Found An Orphaned Synonym Tag

1 vote

Do we really need a tag for each file format extension out there?

1 vote

Over use of "My computer boots to a black screen, what options do I have to fix it?"

1 vote

Users shouldn't have to make new accounts because they can't ask new questions anymore because of downvotes

1 vote

Merge python with python-2.7

1 vote

Borderline off-topic (development version)

1 vote

How to solve the long trail of apt dependencies questions?

1 vote

Baffled by high-rep C vs. C++ axe-grinding. How should I react?

1 vote

Questions on how to use a program that technically are available on ubuntu?

1 vote

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