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Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy
  • Member for 10 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
23 votes

Two answers on one question by the same user

23 votes

"Prompting for accepts"?

18 votes

What is it about some answers that attract upvotes?

16 votes

Delete own answer if somebody posts a more thorough answer later?

13 votes

Obscure links to promote service

12 votes

Why there are so many unanswered network-wifi related questions?

12 votes

What's a good Enough answer and How

12 votes

Should we close bug related questions -in all cases-?

12 votes

Is it a good idea to downvote answers by new users?

11 votes

Which answer should you accept when both answers are correct but use different techniques?

10 votes

Should answers suggesting `curl | sh` be downvoted?

10 votes

Why my spam flag has been declined?

9 votes

Questions regarding programming language codes

9 votes

Are [dual-monitor] and [dualhead] the same?

9 votes

Correction of answer on AskUbuntu

9 votes

Should an answer be downvoted if it is outdated and at the top of the page

8 votes

How do I deal with the plurality of "reinstall OS" answers?

8 votes

What to do with <!-- language: bash --> edits?

8 votes

We should put these tags under [lock] and [keys]

8 votes

Best practices when an OP edits the answered question creating an entirely new one?

7 votes

Is the word "Fedora" a swearing one?

7 votes

Are social announcements not related to Ubuntu or the site on-topic on Meta?

6 votes

What should I (or we) do about answers that obviously miss the point of the question entirely?

6 votes

Are questions more central to the user's DE on-topic here?

6 votes

The dupe- message is confusing, please change it

6 votes

What can be done to remove obsolete answers?

6 votes

Off Topic Questions: Comment Etiquette

6 votes

Should an answer be literally what OP asks for?

6 votes

Is it okay to both answer and mark a question as duplicate?

5 votes

Can I ask about a problem with a non-Ubuntu kernel here?