This frequently happens. There is an issue in a post, and the edit just won't line up to 6 bytes or more. Here are several ideas:
- Check for grammar and spelling. You can nitpick in this situation. Put two spaces between sentences, even though it doesn't show. Check for missing apostrophes.
- Check formatting. Is there somewhere where the user used bold where back-ticks would have been more appropriate? Look for trailing new lines.
- Change wording. If nothing else works, simply in-obstructively change the wording; you can always find something that could be improved, even slightly.
Please do do one thing, though.
Let people know what you're doing.
Don't edit out a critical error and then mark in the comment, Fixed grammar and formatting.
Mark that you edited out the critical error, and even, if it's not very obvious, drop a friendly comment to the author. It can't hurt, and it will prevent potential roll-back wars.