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Thomas Ward's user avatar
Thomas Ward's user avatar
Thomas Ward's user avatar
Thomas Ward
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
55 votes

2016 Community Moderator Election Results

36 votes

Policy Change Proposal: "End of Standard Support" for ESM releases is effectively the "Not Supported" date for a release on Ask Ubuntu

35 votes

Dealing with a user who just won't follow the rules

28 votes

It's time for me to go

20 votes

Why am I banned from answering?

19 votes

Are answers specific to Debian on-topic?

19 votes

How long do we support Ubuntu flavors?

18 votes

When is it acceptable to link to LMGTFY?

17 votes

Should we not downvote if a question already has a bad score?

16 votes

Are Linux Mint (and other unofficial derivatives of Ubuntu) questions on topic?

16 votes

Policy Change Proposal: "End of Standard Support" for ESM releases is effectively the "Not Supported" date for a release on Ask Ubuntu

15 votes

How should we handle new and future questions about Ubuntu Touch?

15 votes

At 10k rep, can you flag still?

14 votes

Why didn't I gain reputation when I edited a post?

14 votes

What is the point of voting in meta

13 votes

Why no notification before I was cut off from posting

13 votes

Not enough reputation points to post an answer

13 votes

Delete your own question

12 votes

Why is "posted on multiple sites" as a closing reason absent on Ask Ubuntu?

12 votes

Is Ask Ubuntu sponsored by Canonical?

12 votes

Are EFI/UEFI installation type of question appropriate at Ask Ubuntu?

12 votes

Ask Ubuntu says the body of my question does not meet the quality standards - why?

12 votes

Ubuntu Eee / EasyPeasy - Offtopic?

11 votes

Do we support snapd on other distros?

11 votes

Why is meta slow

11 votes

Are there any memes on Ask Ubuntu?

11 votes

Is it sensible to upvote a question that claims to have issues with Ubuntu but provides logs from another distro?

11 votes

Should I give extra information on an existing question when I have the same problem on a different version of Ubuntu?

11 votes

What are the consequences of being a (wrongly detected) beneficiary of sockpuppeting?

11 votes

Please blacklist the help tag

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