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Unanswered Questions

339 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can questions be considered duplicates if no answer is applicable to both?

I asked a question about verifying integrity of sources. It got closed as duplicate as duplicate of a similar but different question. The other question was not about how to verify the integrity, but ...
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Why is man synonymized to manpage?

Correct me if I'm wrong but: I can ask for help writing a manpage I can ask about using the man command I can ask how to install specific manpages I can ask how to install man These questions are ...
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I wrote a guide for mythbuntu; how do I post it?

I'm a little confused; I don't really have a question, I just wanted to post a guide. Do I ask a question that I'm providing the answer-for...or...??
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Do we need a canonical question on install types and if they hold user data?

I think we need a canonical question on install types and if they hold user data in home or otherwise (think opt or var dub dub etc) we get entirely too many questions about "will my data be gone on ...
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Who are the experts for [localhost]?

Lets get rid of the localhost tag I'm really surprised it met with strong opposition at the time, and I still not convinced, so let me ask if there are really experts in "localhost" question and a ...
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profile search own two or more specific account

is there any way to find users which have two specific accounts and their score is upper than an a specific number? For example users which have askubuntu and askdifferent accounts which their both ...
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How can I or how to?

In a question title, is it better to put "How to do X" or "How can I do X" if I want to know how to do X?
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Out of Topic, but please read first

Okay, So I am new to askubuntu and LINUX! I am 14 years old, many times I don't understand a thing, I search it on google but when I don't Comprehand the answer, So I ask it here, but many people rate ...
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network services questions

I asked a question about network services about vsftpd but there was not any anwer yet also I saw many times question related to network are answered few . why this is happen? Am should ask these kind ...
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Old questions that are now irrelevant or even completely wrong?

I just came across this old question about Spotify: Cannot get Spotify to run. Back in 2011, we needed Premium accounts to use the Linux-version. That's no longer the case. So, what do we do with ...
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2 Q/A about recovery tools and how to recover data

There are allot of Q's about the losses of data, and how to recover them. Installed Ubuntu and accidently gave all the hard disk space to Ubuntu HDD recovery tool Tool for File Recover | Deleted ...
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Should we begin to make users more aware of differences between LTS versions and interim releases?

The new shortened support duration and it's concomitant assumption about the purpose of the different versions is explained as: Our working assumption is that the latest interim release is used by ...
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Do we need big lists?

So, the Don't ask section specifically says: Your questions should be reasonably scoped. If you can imagine an entire book that answers your question, you’re asking too much. furthermore: every ...
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Do we need a Dansguardian tag?

I was killing off the filter tag. And found this question but don't know what tag should I use. I found 44 something posts with Dansguardian keyword. So, we have people capable of answering ...
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Flags, reviews and hats

Somehow I saw a sudden burst of flags in the 10k tools for answers that are links to Launchpad flagged as NAA (I presume they are looking for "me too"s). Lets set things straight: If there's an ...

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