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Unanswered Questions

135 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to change a close reason?

The automatic comment left by the duplicate close reason doesn't start with a capital P and being the old, compulsory disorder Grammar Nazi I am, I tend to correct it all the time... If one of the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why are there hyperlinks when you scroll up a bunch

On Safari 8.0.6, scrolling up above the ubuntu bar causes links to show up. Is this a bug? EDIT By scroll up I mean scroll beyond the top limit which is only possible (I think) with the trackpad. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Spam question title still showing up in the <title> tag

The following question was flagged as spam and promptly deleted: (only visible to 10k users) The title displayed on the page states that: "This question ...
1 vote
0 answers

edit reviews: the suggestion comment is not highlighted any more

The comment from the suggesting person used to be immediately visible (different background IIRC) Now it doesn't stand out from the rest, making it a bit harder to find the comment and compare it to ...
7 votes
0 answers

Underline on new reputation graph looks weird

This is what I see when hovering my reputation graph in the new profile page: Can the underline please be removed?
2 votes
0 answers

"This post is deleted and cannot be edited." text on a totally blank page

I have an error to report. Today, I have started for the first time to review other users' questions and answers. So the error I am talking about never happened to me and I don't know if it was ...
0 votes
0 answers

Previously (non-)upvoted comment doesn't show the (non-)upvote received anymore

I'm positive that an *apparent* upvote on a comment of mine it's not there anymore: after having left the comment, I was still in the page to read one of the answers a second time when I saw it got ...
4 votes
0 answers

isanswered:0 in searches returns both questions and answers, and answers include either wiki or non-wiki accepted or positively scored answers

From How do I search? - Help Center: isanswered: yes/true/1 returns only questions that have at least one accepted or positively-scored answer; no/false/0 returns only questions with no accepted or ...
5 votes
0 answers

Should voting to close a correctly closed question for the right reason really be considered failure?

I encountered this review audit. To test me, the review item told me the question had received close votes as primarily opinion-based. This was obviously wrong, which I recognized quickly, but I saw a ...
2 votes
0 answers

CAPTCHA has no submit button

I took a long time to compose my post, and was prompted by a house-number captcha. Easy. Then I was re-prompted to copy&paste some code into a text box ... but there's no way to submit that form! ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why I am not receiving notifications in my "recent inbox messages"?

Not talking about e-mail notifications or so. I answered a question today (why is "export PATH" displayed in terminal as a title?), I was wondering if I could place a bounty on it right now, ...
3 votes
0 answers

Navigation menu lacks a "Partners" link

The navigation menu at the top of has items Ubuntu Community Ask! Developer Design Discourse Hardware Insights Juju Partners Shop More › However, since the "Partners" item is ...
5 votes
0 answers

Ask Ubuntu CSS Error: Bounty elements have margin-right offset on question view

It messes up the inline flow. See what I mean below: Can this be fixed?
4 votes
0 answers

Scrolling code blocks glitch

This is me trying to scroll left and right on this code block (animated): Here are the still images: This is a copy of the problematic code block, which I first found in this question dpkg was ...
2 votes
0 answers

Unable to upvote or comment on answer

I was able to accept this answer, but I am unable to up vote or comment on it. When I click the Add comment button I get the following message: User does not have permission to comment on this post ...

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