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2013 Community Moderator Election

The 2013 Community Moderator Election is now underway! Community moderator elections have three phases: Nomination phase Primary phase Election phase Most elections take between two and three weeks,...
11 votes
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Need a canonical answer for repository versions

We need a canonical answer for "Why do the repositories not have the latest versions of software". Anyone who can write one (if one does not already exist) will be rewarded with a +100 Rep bonus ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
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Can the [charset] and [character-set] tags be made synonyms?

The charset tag and the character-set refer to the same thing. One is simply the abbreviation. I don't see any reason for them to be seperate. Can they be made synonyms, please?
cocomac's user avatar
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Synonimization of singular/plural tag pairs

There are a few [foo]/[foos] tag pairs on Ask Ubuntu. Such tag pairs are usually the singular and plural of the same word and should be synonyms. Occasionally. Only moderators can create [foos] when [...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
6 votes
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Please reopen sshuttle question 935144

My original question posted at Can I use expose remote server ports via sshuttle? was a bit confused and made a half-attempt at answering itself. I've made it simpler so that it can be re-opened. And ...
lofidevops's user avatar
  • 21.5k
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Can we kill the ubuntu14.04 tag?

the ubuntu14.04 tag has been used 16 times and it shouldn't even had been created. It should be linked as a duplicate to 14.04 or just burned from the system.
Alvar's user avatar
  • 17k
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Consider reopening question 113235

Question 113235 is closed, being considered an exact duplicate of question 43174. Now, I got the answer I needed before the question was closed, so I won't suffer much from it being closed, but I ...
Buhb's user avatar
  • 113
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Can we delete the [x11-unix] tag?

The x11-unix tag seems to have been accidentally created by the user who asked this question org.gnu.emacs - bwrap: Can't mount tmpfs on /newroot/tmp/.X11-unix: No such file or directory. I don't ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar