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Questions tagged [self-answer]

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6 votes
1 answer

Can I delete a downvoted question that I answered myself (where nobody else has answered it)?

Recently I asked a question on Ask Ubuntu. I did not get any answer. Then after searching I found the solution and wrote it as an answer. I got one upvote for the answer and 0 for the question: how ...
PRATAP's user avatar
  • 22.9k
4 votes
1 answer

Reputation requirement for a self answer?

I have a question on AskUbuntu which I managed to solve myself with some guidance from another user, He suggested that I self answer my question and provided this link as reference: https://askubuntu....
Hamish W's user avatar
  • 311
3 votes
1 answer

When is posting my own answer to my question rejected by answer ban?

I have a question about my Ask Ubuntu post: How to fix corrupted boot partition I cannot post an answer to my own question. I was attempting to do so in order to clean up after myself and ...
Phil N's user avatar
  • 15
3 votes
1 answer

Why are the top voted answers on top of the accepted answer when it was answered by the asker?

Why is it that the top voted answer always appears on top if the accepted answer is created by the asker himself? Usually if the answer is accepted by the asker, it worked for him, so why wouldn't ...
LionsSharks15's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Downvotes for answering own questions?

Someone downvoted three of my answers to own questions in a row. These are the answers:
Silicomancer's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

"Answer your own question" = accepted answer?

If I use the "answer your own question" option, will my answer be marked as accepted? If not, that seems rather useless...
You'reAGitForNotUsingGit's user avatar