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6 votes
1 answer

Can I delete a downvoted question that I answered myself (where nobody else has answered it)?

Recently I asked a question on Ask Ubuntu. I did not get any answer. Then after searching I found the solution and wrote it as an answer. I got one upvote for the answer and 0 for the question: how ...
PRATAP's user avatar
  • 22.9k
4 votes
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Reputation requirement for a self answer?

I have a question on AskUbuntu which I managed to solve myself with some guidance from another user, He suggested that I self answer my question and provided this link as reference: https://askubuntu....
Hamish W's user avatar
  • 311
3 votes
1 answer

When is posting my own answer to my question rejected by answer ban?

I have a question about my Ask Ubuntu post: How to fix corrupted boot partition I cannot post an answer to my own question. I was attempting to do so in order to clean up after myself and ...
Phil N's user avatar
  • 15
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1 answer

"Answer your own question" = accepted answer?

If I use the "answer your own question" option, will my answer be marked as accepted? If not, that seems rather useless...
You'reAGitForNotUsingGit's user avatar