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25 votes
2 answers

A note on flagging end of life questions

Recently in review, there seems to be a lot of questions flagged for end of life, the issue with these flags is that when the questions were written they were ON TOPIC, this is important, old ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

EOL Notice: Hardy, Oneiric, Lucid (desktop) are now End of Life

This is a reminder/notice regarding now-EOL releases. The following versions of Ubuntu and derivatives are officially end of life as of today on May 9th, 2013: Hardy Heron (8.04, all currently-...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
  • 77.1k
10 votes
5 answers

Is Ubuntu 14.04 off-topic on Ask Ubuntu?

THREAD NOTICE: This issue has been raised to Mark Shuttleworth, the Ubuntu Community Council, and the Ubuntu Technical Board via this email message (TB is the only public archive version of the email)....
C.S.Cameron's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

EOL Notice: Raring (13.04) is now past End of Life

This is a notice regarding releases of Ubuntu that have reached end of life. The following versions of Ubuntu and derivatives are officially end of life as of January 27, 2014: Raring 13.04 New ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
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37 votes
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EOL Notice: Precise Pangolin (12.04) reached End of Life on April 28, 2017

This will be enforced starting on April 28, 2017. This is a notice regarding releases of Ubuntu that have reached End of Life. The following versions of Ubuntu and derivatives are officially end of ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
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34 votes
2 answers

EOL Notice: Wily Werewolf (15.10) is now End of Life (as of July 28, 2016) (Enforcement starts July 29)

This will be enforced starting on July 29, 2016. This is a notice regarding releases of Ubuntu that have reached End of Life. The following versions of Ubuntu and derivatives are officially end of ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
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21 votes
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Non-EOL Notice: Quantal (12.10) remains supported through April 2014

Since 12.10 is non-LTS and 13.04 is non-LTS and 13.04 will be end-of-life in a week, it might seem like 12.10 must have been end-of-life a long time ago. But that is not the case. 12.10 is supported ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Aren't Ubuntu Server end-of-life versions off topic?

The wiki document about the EOL Ubuntu versions mention that the server editions have longer life than the Desktop edition. Is this applicable for questions on this site? After read this question I ...
Lucio's user avatar
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