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4 votes
1 answer

I am not able to ask questions on Ask Ubuntu

I am a new ask ubuntu user and recently I just asked only 1 question on it about my computer being stuck. I was flagged for duplicate / off-topic questions. My question was deleted. It was actually on ...
Error404's user avatar
  • 7,958
5 votes
1 answer

If I get question banned on StackOverflow, will I also get banned on AskUbuntu?

I am on the verge of being banned from asking questions on Stack Overflow. I'm not sure why, I guess people don't really like my questions. But without bashing on S.O. too much, I legitimately want ...
Michael Starr's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

I'm apparently in danger of being blocked... with the most votes being cast on a recent question +1

The only other question on this topic I could find had 0 answers and was asked 4 years ago so I'm going to go ahead and ask it again When I go to post a question, I get a warning stating some of my ...
unixandria's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Why am I banned from answering?

I am apparently banned from answering question because I have "contributed many low-quality answers". In fact, I have contributed NO answers that I know of and the 6 questions I have asked over the ...
Mark Foley's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does Question Unabanning process take forever?

Here's My Profile, I can't post any question and I’m banned because I had some downvotes. Yes I had some downvotes, but I have earned around 50 Reputation since the last downvote. I know the process ...
OverCoder's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

What should I do now that I can't ask more questions?

Do not repost the question you were about to ask until you have READ EVERYTHING WE ARE ABOUT TO TELL YOU. While trying to ask a question, one could get: We are no longer accepting questions from ...
Braiam's user avatar
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