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Am I allowed to use a web crawler on Ask Ubuntu?

I have created a web crawler from a tutorial and the website in the video seems to be down. Would I be allowed to test it here at Ask Ubuntu, just solely for educational purposes? If not, does ...
plutesci's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a license on all the code put on SE?

By putting code on SE (by posting it in a question or answer or another form of publicly posting it on the site) is the code given some sort of license automatically if one is not declared by the ...
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0 votes
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Is removing the Canonical topbar against a ToS?

As we all see, there is a topbar on this site that has Canonical links to various Ubuntu tools on it. If I were to remove that on the clientside using userscripts that I publish as open-souce, would ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
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