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1 answer

Can a warning be implemented when the "Pending Edit Queue" is full?

My Reputation isn't high enough yet to edit questions/answers without moderator review. Therefore, any edits I do are entered into a queue for these pending edits. I'm aware of this and accepting of ...
mpboden's user avatar
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2 votes
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Editing posts: number of edits vs reputation

I'm still below the reputation to edit posts without them needed to be peer reviewed. Suppose that I have 1000 approved edits. Then comes along a user with enough reputation to edit posts without ...
schrodingerscatcuriosity's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Should edits get some rep for upvotes?

I was wondering, why shouldn't edits get a small bit of rep for an upvote? (Like 1 rep for upvoted question 2 for upvoted answer) Because I answered pretty badly, but someone (fabby) edited it and it ...
Ubuntu User's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Add icon to the composing editor to format keyboard shortcuts

Background: Many questions require the user to describe used keyboard shortcuts. These can be formatted through <kbd></kbd>. Suggestion: I would like to suggest to add an icon to the ...
orschiro's user avatar
  • 13.5k
-6 votes
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Editor Privilege?

Speaking from experience, waiting for a suggested edit to be approved (before 2000 rep.) can be tiring and annoying. So what I want to know is if you guys think the following is a good idea. For those ...
David's user avatar
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Show comments to a question, when editing that question with less than 2K reputation

When I edit a question, this is often in response to a suggestion in the comments. For this reason it would be very helpful if I could see the comments at the same time in the window where I am ...
false's user avatar
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7 votes
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Make blockquote formatting button not destroy the source layout!

You ever had a post in front of you where the OP did mix up blockquote and code formatting? Not those easy cases where he/she wrote a > character before the paragraph himself, but those cases when ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
  • 109k
4 votes
2 answers

Allow 2k+ users to suggest edits

Every now and then, a user is unsure about an edit they make. For the under 2k rep users, this is great. It goes to the review board and is dealt with. However, users above 2k aren't given this ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
  • 34.4k
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Easier way to see your suggested edits?

Is there an easier way to see your suggested edits, specifically those which are rejected? You get a '+2' reputation notification for approved edits but you're not notified when an edit is declined (...
kiri's user avatar
  • 28.7k
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Could we add on the 'about' page that questions should be edited to provide more information?

On both the about page it is explained how the site works. To my eyes, this should include that a user asking question should edit his post to improve it if some other users are asking clarification ...
gertvdijk's user avatar
  • 69k
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Meta editing-help should mention "paragraph breaks"

If I don't overlook something obvious does not mention paragraph breaks at all. Neither how they are considered useful instead of wasting space nor how one creates ...
guntbert's user avatar
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Should there be a way to mark an edit as a "minor edit" so it doesn't bump the question?

I very frequently go back to my own old answers and re-edit them, but they are mostly only minor edits: Fix typos Improve formatting Change wording if it's misleading Make them more up to date Often ...
thomasrutter's user avatar
  • 37.4k
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Don't have 2K reputations, so cannot correct a single typo which is bizzare

Before asking this question, I was to the question exact duplicate of this. I don't have 2K reputation, so every edit I do requires a minimum of 6 characters to be edited. However I came across this ...
BhaveshDiwan's user avatar
  • 11.3k
0 votes
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When a post is edited, deny other users who want to edit the exact same post [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: “Another user Is editing this post” warning It sometimes happen when I am editing a post, that I can't save the edit because somebody else also started editing the post. Could ...
blade19899's user avatar
  • 26.9k
-2 votes
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Edit flag for users

I have seen several questions which are asked by users who does not know English very well, (sometimes just bad, including myself). I want to propose an Edit flag, which users can raise to aware ...
Anwar's user avatar
  • 77.4k
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Line breaks in markdown

I have been seeing new users who copy/paste code or information into posts not add extra newlines(or even type without extra newlines) and make posts hard to read, wasting the time of a moderator or ...
nanofarad's user avatar
  • 20.8k
5 votes
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Notice against Vandalism

We should have a notice about vandalism in edits, such as adding notes to answers that have nothing to do with the actual question or the answer itself. Example: Answer to a question about ...
RolandiXor's user avatar
  • 51.4k
6 votes
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"Another user Is editing this post" warning

Sometimes, I find that before I post my edit, someone already has edited the post. Can't we make a system like this: Without the Feature So, lets say User A started editing X post, and User B ...
Amith KK's user avatar
  • 13.5k
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Tag Wiki Edits on Ask Ubuntu Mobile

Ask Ubuntu mobile does not let you make tag edits, you have to switch to the full site, make the edits, and switch back. And the editor is temperamental on my mobile browser, sometimes working and ...
William's user avatar
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