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Questions tagged [downvoting]

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3 votes
2 answers

Why is my question downvoted?

My question Why is OpenJDK not preinstalled was downvoted 2 times. What's wrong with it? Or is it just that people think preinstalling it is a stupid idea?
jobukkit's user avatar
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A Question Regarding Negative Reputation [duplicate]

Some answer to this question Black screen after login with cursor, I gave him down vote & suddenly i loose the 1 point, can any one guide me how it work ? Given Down Vote To Answer Loosing 1 ...
Qasim's user avatar
  • 22.1k
10 votes
4 answers

Should we downvote duplicate questions?

I have been around for a few months now. What I notice is that the same questions keep on being asked over and over again. For instance about what ubuntu version to use, problems to install, questions ...
don.joey's user avatar
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1 answer

Should I downvote a good answer if there is a competing better answer?

Suppose someone asks a question. It has two solutions - one is easier than the other, but the other one has some benefits of its own. For example, there was one question about imagemagick where the ...
green's user avatar
  • 14.4k
7 votes
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Minor alignment issue with downvote button

When casting a downvote upon a post, I noticed that the downvote arow is misaligned between when no vote is cast and when it is downvoted. You can see below a GIMP image showing the two images next to ...
nanofarad's user avatar
  • 20.8k
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2 answers

Downvote on a closed question causes decrease in asker's reputation? Is this new?

I had opened a question in Ask Ubuntu when I started using the site, without knowing much. That question got closed as off topic. Here it is: Today I noticed that ...
Web-E's user avatar
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5 answers

Some closed questions should not be downvoted, just closed. Thoughts?

There are some questions that are not deserving a downvote considering the circumstances, such as when the OP is obviously not accustomed to using the the site and thinks that it is pretty much a ...
RolandiXor's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

Why are people downvoting questions with obvious solutions?

There is something I have seen in both stackoverflow and askubuntu. That is happening way more at stackoverflow but even at AskUbuntu. There are questions with minus ratings and negative votes (for ...
dlin's user avatar
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Is it acceptable to threaten users with downvotes?

See this question: top answer, third comment. I told the commenter that it's better to correct the answer himself than to threaten others ...
Exeleration-G's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Is it appropriate to downvote an answer to a question which I have also answered?

I have a specific question in mind and will provide it if needed but I'm asking in general for now. In any case, a downvote should be accompanied by a suitable comment so should I just comment and not ...
user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Reputation lost on downvoting others [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: I observed that my reputation decreases when I downvote answers, why? Why do I loose 1 reputation point for downvoting others answers? I even provided a reason! I just lost ...
Nirmik's user avatar
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How to understand a downvote

Is there any way to understand who or at least why a downvote was awarded? Because in 2 cases that I got a downvote, the answer seemed perfectly fine and also had upvotes from other users. The only ...
Nirmik's user avatar
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Who downvoted my question/answer on Ask Ubuntu?

Can I know who down voted my question/answer on Ask Ubuntu so that I can ask him the reason for it?
harisibrahimkv's user avatar
10 votes
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Can you lose the right to ask a question?

I have a really random question. When somebody starts using Ask Ubuntu, they start with 1 reputation. According to the "privileges" page, you must have at least 1 reputation to create a post. If, for ...
rocket101's user avatar
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Flag a Down Vote

I came across a question this evening which I thought was unfairly down voted. I instinctively up voted to counter the down vote, however this might not have been the correct way of handling this ...
kingmilo's user avatar
  • 10.5k
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1 answer

downvoting random comments in answers?

I saw some answers where the user just puts in random comment. I like what I read from this link " " but is downvoting ...
viyyer's user avatar
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Poorly Written Questions - Is it okay to downvote?

I have seen a lot of questions where people do not bother to spell check or capitalize their I's, and leave beginnings of sentences uncapitalized. I have seen posts that use texting abbreviations, etc....
William's user avatar
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Down voting consequences

I really understand that down voting should not be as easy as voting up over a good question/answer but the loss of rep associated with it makes it really something to avoid by a lot of users. I am ...
Bruno Pereira's user avatar