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2 answers

Why is this question about the solar eclipse so heavily downvoted?

I am talking about Will the Great American Eclipse Crash Ubuntu here. Just in case, here is its content: Wondering if my computer will crash because of the Eclipse? Anything I need to do to ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
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20 votes
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Are we being too generous to (incorrect) answers?

For quite sometime now, I am seeing a very alarming trend here. Wrong/incorrect answers are being upvoted, quite a lot. I have seen some answers lately, that deserve downvotes without any doubt, but ...
heemayl's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

What is your consideration when downvoting, what are your criteria?

At the risk of being burned down, have to get this off my chest. Be sure it is not meant as an average "ouch, they downvoted me" rant; it bothers me when it happens to others as much as it ...
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
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Why can you not downvote comments?

You can up and downvote posts, but why can you only upvote comments? What is the thinking for not allow any sort of downvote on comments (not that I am saying that you should lose or gain rep from ...
user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Why is my answer being downvoted?

I've posted an answer that I think that is as valid (or more) than it's companions. It was downvoted 2 times and up voted zero times. Why is happening this? Link:
0x2b3bfa0's user avatar
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Is it proper to downvote a question that describes a bug?

After a research, and finding no solution to the problem I faced on my Ubuntu machine, I made and posted a detailed question to Ask Ubuntu. To my surprise, what I have is a bug (not sure if known or ...
Gediminas Jeremiah Gudelis's user avatar
14 votes
6 answers

Why are people downvoting questions with obvious solutions?

There is something I have seen in both stackoverflow and askubuntu. That is happening way more at stackoverflow but even at AskUbuntu. There are questions with minus ratings and negative votes (for ...
dlin's user avatar
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