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7 votes
3 answers

Unaligned Borders

Just noticed the unaligned borders in the navigation bar of the website. In Firefox: Also in Chrome: I don't know if this question fits in meta askubuntu, but is it a bug or just a style?
green's user avatar
  • 14.4k
12 votes
1 answer

More black links on deleted question page

This is a continuation of this question: Black links on new duplicate banner are counter intuitive. On Ask Ubuntu, when users with less than 10k view a deleted question they land at a page that ...
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.9k
11 votes
2 answers

Colorblind people have a hard time distinguishing red/green answer highlight

I am red/green colorblind and I find it difficult to distinguish between the red and green circles that denote unanswered and answered questions: Does it make sense to use, for example, a darker ...
Kevin Chen's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Comment error popup makes sidebar move down in review-beta

In review-beta, on Ask Ubuntu, if one creates a comment, clicks Edit, leaves it for ten minutes, and tries to save, they will get an error popup. However, this error popup causes the sidebar to jump ...
nanofarad's user avatar
  • 20.8k
7 votes
1 answer

Minor alignment issue with downvote button

When casting a downvote upon a post, I noticed that the downvote arow is misaligned between when no vote is cast and when it is downvoted. You can see below a GIMP image showing the two images next to ...
nanofarad's user avatar
  • 20.8k
7 votes
2 answers

Privileges page has broken alignment

This page has some messed up alignment in the right sidebar. Here's what it should look like, But when you click on the link it breaks. This doesn't seem to be an issue on other StackExchange sites ...
Kris Harper's user avatar
  • 13.6k
0 votes
0 answers

Bug with "Top Questions" overflow [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Question column too narrow in Firefox The "Top Questions" list contained in <div id="question-mini-list"> has setting overflow to auto. With my Firefox set to have ...
jep's user avatar
  • 448
2 votes
1 answer

Can we add a little more space on the User Activity page? (Graphical glitch)

After doing an edit, where the entry shows up on the activity page, the underline from the link is partly hidden by the highlighted section which says what the edit was. Screenshot: Could we add a ...
Slipstream's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Two visual annoyances in the header [closed]

Not really bugs, but: Can we please get the same arrow to expand SE and user menus? Please vertically center the links left to the search field.
htorque's user avatar
  • 65.6k
0 votes
1 answer

top bar style for ask ubuntu

The Top bar for Ask Ubuntu (and Meta) doesn't seem to have enough space from the top of the window area. When a notification (badge, welcome/faq) etc appears, it is very close to the text. This seems ...
davidsleeps's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Bounty allocated amount looks odd

When a bounty is allocated to an answer, the bounty amount is shown against it. This kind of looks weird in Ask Ubuntu In contrast, the bounty allocated amount in Super User is much.. better
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

The "emphasis" symbol in the editor design issue.

As you can see in the screenshot above, there is a small, light grey line to the right of the "Emphasis" icon in the editor. That shouldn't be there, right?
Isaiah's user avatar
  • 60.3k
3 votes
1 answer

Vertically misaligned tags

The vertical alignment of the tags is incorrect on Firefox. .post-tag { vertical-align: middle; } Should fix this
Yi Jiang's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Design bug in Editing Review, Notifications don't disappear

Unfortunately, I've foolishly closed the tab before I thought to take a screen shot. I saw a link beneath a question, edit (1), and clicked on it. A notification popped up saying something like that ...
Stefano Palazzo's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Line break glitch with code tag

Line breaks with code involved leave a thin piece of the code formatting in the previous line: This only seems to happen with the Opera browser (ver. 11.00/11.01).
htorque's user avatar
  • 65.6k
7 votes
0 answers

Little Bug with layer order on askubuntu

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but i recently found a little rendering bug on this site. It's a problem of the z-index and the order of layers. Note: the red notification box was ...
NES's user avatar
  • 33.7k
5 votes
2 answers

Tone down the grey for formatting code/commands?

This answer is really brutal on the eyes however I think it's key to have filenames and commands with that kind of formatting. Maybe perhaps toning it down a bit? Similar in shade to the blockquote ...
Jorge Castro's user avatar
  • 72.9k
10 votes
2 answers

Problem with the "Announcer" badge page... As you can see in the above screenshot, if the question is too long, the information about the user who received the Announcer badge is cut off.
Isaiah's user avatar
  • 60.3k
5 votes
1 answer

Incorrect new user text box

Q: What is Ubuntu? A: Apparently, Ubuntu is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for people who love Ubuntu. I think Canonical may not approve of that assessment ;). Don't know if this ...
Rob Van Dam's user avatar
40 votes
6 answers

Can we make the "ask question" button stand out more? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Please make the “Ask Question” button on AskUbuntu more prominent I'm new to and when I first wanted to ask a question it took me a while to find ...
Georg Schölly's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

If "About Me" is blank we have a grey square on the user page that mean nothing

It has took me time to understand why there is a strange grey square on my user page and to figure out what it is. I think there should be a text like "No description" or maybe we can just remove it ...
Nyamiou The Galeanthrope's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Links in <code> spans are indistinguishable from normal <code> spans

Here's the real life example that triggered this: Make sure you check for duplicates before adding new entries. For example, search pitivi inquestion:this before adding PiTiVi. :)
badp's user avatar
  • 12.6k
5 votes
3 answers

Preformatted text is insufficiently distinct?

The background used for answers on is slightly grey; this makes preformatted text such as this stand out significantly less than on, say I think this requires a ...
RAOF's user avatar
  • 11.8k
5 votes
1 answer

Visited links cannot be distinguished from normal text [duplicate]

Visited links are not underlined and black, just like text is.
badp's user avatar
  • 12.6k
6 votes
0 answers

Visited links on Meta are hard to see

Maybe it is just my vision but I can't distinguish visited links in question/answer text from the surrounding text on Ubuntu Meta. I can see the links on the parent fine and I can see unvisited links ...
moberley's user avatar
  • 992
12 votes
4 answers

May we please have another font for the body text?

The new design is great, but the font is really killing me. Here's why: Uneven kerning and spacing Have a look at this title. The space between n and e in uneven, r and n in kerning, a and c in ...
Yi Jiang's user avatar
  • 1,206
4 votes
1 answer

Line spacing cosmetics

Awesome work on the new site design! I'd like to note a couple CSS issues related to line spacing, in this answer as an expample: The scroll bars in the code block probably shouldn't be there. They ...
ændrük's user avatar
  • 77.8k