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Should really good/detailed "me too" answers have their content merged into the question?

Usually "me too" answers don't contribute much to working on the problem, but sometimes they do, as when they present details that are subtly different than (or more detailed than) what is provided by ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
2 votes
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How should answers to questions that have since been split be dealt with?

I came across Ubuntu screenshot program, which started off as a couple questions mashed together. Although it has since been edited to only ask about screenshot programs, it originally asked for both ...
Knowledge Cube's user avatar
2 votes
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What to do with potentially dangerous answers?

I was just wondering, what should one do with potentially dangerous answers? I mean I have read before on Meta that I should just flag them up, however when I did so for this one I just got this: ...
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1 vote
2 answers

Is it bad practice to ask for an improved answer by asking a new question?

How to set folder icons of multiple folders automatically? In the question above I asked for a little improvement to the answer on an existing question: How to set the first picture of every folder ...
Sumeet Deshmukh's user avatar
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Multiple solutions in answer [duplicate]

As a general rule, should there be multiple solutions in a answer or should the poster post multiple answers?
fosslinux's user avatar
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Is there a rule which states that all questions and answers have to be in English on this site? [duplicate]

I know that people often tell others that it is a rule here, but I am have never actually seen it written anywhere, so is it a rule that all questions and answers on this site have to be written in ...
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0 votes
2 answers

Is it good style to downvote developers who announce their projects?

Sometimes we see developers who use Ask Ubuntu as a platform to annouce their projects. I feel this is a good idea, especially when a project does address an unsolved issue many people have. For ...
Takkat's user avatar
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-1 votes
5 answers

PROPOSAL: Checklist for addressing questions mentioning non-Ubuntu distributions

For those not aware of the context: One side of the community is pro editing out mentions of other OS where question asks about non-specific to OS things, such as scripting; another side, is pro-...
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Help or advice on how to manage misleading/inappropriate answers to an asked question [duplicate]

Have just updated How to EFI install Ubuntu? with what I am sure concludes the answers that have been given are misleading and inappropriate to the specific question being asked. Had previously ...
geezanansa's user avatar
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-6 votes
2 answers

How far an explanation should go / does it legitimate double posts / answers?

Often questions are very easy to answer if the asker would search a few minutes in the internet and has the right search terms handy. The latter one is the key, the askers often didn't know what to ...
cmks's user avatar
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