Caleb asked: What, in your opinion, is the purpose of closing questions? What are the positive and negative impacts and, in your opinion, should the measure be taken more or less frequently than the current status-quo?
Luis Alvarado answered: Am more with the idea of explaining the OP that his/her question could be closed because of X reason. I would also give advice or point in the right direction to avoid first closing the question (Let OP close it themselves or alleviate the problems associated with closing the question to the OP or other members.
Luis Alvarado continued: For the positive aspects, one could say, cleaner site, less duplicates or wrongly created questions, less confusion. For the negative side, one could say the OP, depending on the person, would feel bad about the whole situation.
Amith KK answered: The purpose of closing a question is to tidy up the site, and to guide users. For example, the "Duplicate" vote helps a user to find out where the old question with more answers are. Also, all close votes are decided by 5 users agreeing. I think it should continue how it goes now.
mateo_salta answered: A tool for the smooth operation of the site, many of the closings are for the purpose of ultimately restoring the question. Closing the question, not constructive, not a real question, gives links to the FAQ, so that users can improve the post in a constructive manner, without vagrant excessive down-voting, comments, ect.
FEichinger answered: I think we're doing a fine job, right now. Questions should be closed, if they are actively harmful to the site's quality. As for impact: Closing a question is a sign to everyone that this seems "unwanted" - this may sometimes give a wrong impression. It obviously helps consolidate, collapse and organize the site, though.
RolandiXor answered: The purposes for closing questions in my opinion should be the following:
- The question does not fit the scope of the site and would fit somewhere else, or not at all.
- The question is not a question at all (for example, rants, spam, and feature requests).
- The question is out dated, no longer relevant, and cannot be brought up to a useful state.
I do believe that we should close questions a little less (and sometimes it does seem like we are a little heavy handed with some of the more obscure questions), but in general I don't see that we need to make a big alteration in this regard.
jokerdino answered: IMO, closing questions is a way to indicate such questions are not a suitable fit for the site and the community. Positively, it enforces the standards of the community. On the negative side, the user posting question might feel left out. And I have no problem with the current status-quo.
Journeyman Geek answered: Closed questions need a little love in many cases. It needs to be fixed, and improved. Ideally the OP should. I consider closing a sort of pergatory, rather than the equivilent of shoving something in /dev/null. The question often can be saved