fossfreedom fossfreedom asked: You find out that a well known and highly valued Ask Ubuntu contributor is possibly engaging in questionable behaviour, like having friends upvoting their posts. How do you handle the situation?
Amith KK Amith KK answered: Well, I'd tell them clearly in a private chatroom that it is behaviour that can get him/her banned and that they should not repeat it
ObsessiveSSOℲ ObsessiveSSOℲ answered: I would politely contact the users related to this violation, ask then to stop, and allow the serialvoting script to do its job(since moderators cannot see or change votes). I would explain to the users why they are in violation, and explain the serial voting detection script, as well as link to the pertaining meta post.
Luis Alvarado Luis Alvarado answered: First I actually look at the evidence, he/she did not get to that position by doing stuff like that. If it is true, I then talk to said person to explain the information I found. After that I would ask in private to other mods about what should be done or how it should be handled.
FEichinger FEichinger answered: I would evaluate evidence and contact the user in question - perhaps even make sure the user hasn't been hacked and that the behaviour isn't induced from the outside. But I would also rely on the systems SE has already in place at first.
RolandiXor RolandiXor answered: I don't believe in jumping into anything too quickly, especially with regards to taking action in such a situation as a voting ring. I would (if it is allowed) contact the person suspected of the behaviour | (and if it is not allowed to contact them) I would monitor the situation until we have enough data/info to make a decision, then upon consulting with other moderators, I would take action. I do not believe in partiality.
jokerdino jokerdino answered: IMO, being valuable doesn't give you the pass to be mischievous. I wouldn't let the status of the user spoil the decision making. If necessary, I would have a talk with the user to settle issues.
Journeyman Geek Journeyman Geek answered: First and formost, I'd have a quiet word and a warning (but that's my preferred way of dealing with things), unless there was a serious amount of obvious misconduct that had to be handled. I'd also let the other mods know. If necessary to escalate things to a suspension, I would.