When a question is unclear or missing key elements that might lead to an answer — such as versions, logs, and whatnot — it should be flagged for closure. To the best of my knowledge this is for two reasons:
- People may misinterpret the question and offer an answer or comment that addresses an unrelated issue, introducing confusion for people who may have a similar question in the future
- A closed question that an OP really wants answered will hopefully result in a better-written edit that can lead to a reopening and proper solution to the problem
Examples of recent opaque questions:
- I cant seem to find drives like E or D, in ubuntu, every folder or file get saved in the desktop itself. Please help — Source
- I want to restrict a user to run a command only two times in Ubuntu … — Source
- Is there a way or program to create a key combination to enter a special character? […] Actually I just want to press alt + 61 and it returns an "=" and so with several codes, I don't need all the ascii but I do need several. — Source
For some of these, it may be possible to guess at what the objective is. However, if a question is as clear as mud and has an accepted or positively-voted answer, should it still be marked for closure?