So, how come I can duplicate this with this?
Just curious really, is it because the same person asked the question?
Anyone know why?
FYI I can't just do it to any question
So it is something about that one specifically.
So, how come I can duplicate this with this?
Just curious really, is it because the same person asked the question?
Anyone know why?
FYI I can't just do it to any question
So it is something about that one specifically.
It is because the system detects the post was marked as dupe of a post by the same poster.
He simply posted the same post again, in other wording. In such a case the post is a dupe, without a reason. Op simply could have edited his original question, if he came to the conclusion it was weakly worded or too long.
This also would have brought it back to the front page, giving the edited, more readable version a new chance.