What is our final decision on questions like these?

Our FAQ is quite clear on the subject:

  • What kind of questions should I not ask here? ...


    You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face

    ...avoid asking [questions where]...

    • every answer is equally valid: “What’s your favorite ______?”

So, let us set some guidelines. Should we close or lock all of them? Should we add a notice to the old ones like Stack Overflow do?

4 Answers 4


There is a variation of this which is allowed, namely "Hidden Features of..."

Should 'hidden features of X' be removed/closed/locked?

The difference as I see it, is these aren't just mindless lists of stuff, but pro-tips where experts share specific details about how they do things.

A simple "what is available" or "let's list all things of type X" does not fit this criteria at all.


I don't think Ask Ubuntu is the place for them.

Close and lock them all and add a notice to the old ones (like they did on Stack Overflow).


Thinking about this, one of the problems is that these questions often start as valid requests, like this one where someone asks for an alternative to a program that only runs in Windows.

Knowing where to draw the line is quite tricky.

  • 1
    An excellent point. We should definitely not close specific, reasonable requests for software recommendations. I suppose you'll often be able to distinguish them by thinking about whether it is a "questions based on actual problems that you face". For example: "I desperately need an alternative to x" is reasonable, "I just want to try some different x" is not. In short: You've got to have a problem.
    – Stefano Palazzo Mod
    Commented Jun 17, 2011 at 8:40

We should allows posts that have a limited scope like "What Platformers are available?" but close or lock the posts with unlimited scope like "What Native Games are available?" .

  • "What Platformers are available?" still doesn't conform with the FAQ: "every answer is equally valid".
    – Stefano Palazzo Mod
    Commented Jun 14, 2011 at 15:43

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