I just ran across a link to LMGTFY on Ask Ubuntu. In the past, I've found it offensive when users have posted LMGTFY links for me.
When, if ever, is it acceptable to link to LMGTFY on Ask Ubuntu?
I just ran across a link to LMGTFY on Ask Ubuntu. In the past, I've found it offensive when users have posted LMGTFY links for me.
When, if ever, is it acceptable to link to LMGTFY on Ask Ubuntu?
When, if ever, is it acceptable to link to LMGTFY on Ask Ubuntu?
Never, as far as I am concerned. If it is a problem we can blacklist it.
I believe that posting links to lmgtfy here on ask is highly inadvisable and just plain stupid. People come here to AskUbuntu with the intent on getting good information or links to good information, not a link to somewhere where they explain "This is how you google ". Answers that only post to lmgtfy links, in my opinion, should be removed by moderators when flagged by a user.
I do not think that it is necessary to use that here on Ask Ubuntu, as it would be very counter-intuitive to Ubuntu's helpful nature. I've been given a link with LMGTFY before in chat, and I found it rather off-putting, as it seemed like the issuer was being one of those "elitist" people who often say RTFM.
Unless the question and answer were done in a humorous light, it should probably not be used. It would be far better to share links you've found via Google than a post that just gives them a list of results, not necessarily even answers.
I think Wikipedia covers that best. LMGTFY is a variation of RTFM:
I would like to highlight this often ignored objectivization:
There are contexts and participants for which a gradient of RTFM (in)appropriateness exists. These are the gray areas between black and white.
If RTFM and LMGTFY are offensive depends entirely on the context. There is no inherent evilness or malicousness in it; LMGTFY is widely believed to be amusing even to recipients. It can be and certainly is used in inappropriate and unhelpful fashions (much like newcomers are often ridiculed with the bobince link on SO).
That being said, I cannot imagine a lot of cases on Ask Ubuntu (currently) where it would be sensible to see that link. Ubuntu still lacks too much coherent documentation to warrant it. There are certainly dumb questions which can be answered by copying them verbatim into Google, but those seem the exception.
Your example question is one of those instances where it would indeed look offensive. (Apart from that it's not a particularly technical question.)
I think, if you feel the urge to use that because the question seems just so stupid or so lazy:
and if that fails