I posted this question recently, and after I answered a comment requesting information with something like "I'll try to do this when I'm home", the same user who had requested the information responded with the following (I presume) "pre-canned" comment:
Please edit your post to add new information, properly formatted. Information added via comments is hard for you to format, hard for us to read and ignored by future readers. Please click edit and add that vital information to your question so all the facts we need are in the question. Please don't use Add Comment, since that's our uplink to you. All facts about your system should go in the Question with edit.
This seems both a little brusque (seemingly the new tone of AskUbuntu) and rather condescending.
I saw a recent meta post encouraging use of "pre-canned" comments, but haven't checked in detail to see if this is from that list -- but it certainly sounds as if we no longer want questions or answers from people who aren't already experts (rather like the situation when trying to report a bug as an end user, rather than a developer -- "if you don't know all this technical stuff, we don't want to hear it.").
Is AskUbuntu no longer a friendly place for those who aren't gurus to seek solutions to their problems?