Hi this may be a question that has been asked before but after a bit of searching I could not find anything this specific so I have taken the liberty to ask just in case.
I have just answered a question over on the main site concerning some problems with the Grub2 loader. How can I recover Endpoint Encryption bootloader?
As stated in the comments section the user did not create the recovery disk when they had access to the OS and now the need has arisen its not possible to create it.
After doing a few checks in Goggle I found a downloadable version of the recovery software on a not so respectable torrent site. I would never advocate copyright theft etc. but If a torrent link was from a reputable source is it okay to link to the .Torrent file directly?
I do have issues with this from my point of view in the sense that not everybody knows how to use Torrent software and also there is no way of guaranteeing that the source is sound and thus could cause more damage than good but I wondered if there is a written or even unwritten rule on this?