This is sort of a follow-up to my previous question, since it's on the same subject.
I want to get the CV queue down to 0, even if it's only for a few minutes. Therefore, I challenge every user with 3k rep or more (there are 506 of us, so this shouldn't be too difficult) to get the Close Vote queue down to 0!
There's no reward or anything for this, except the satisfaction of getting rid of all those close votes. It's a plus if you stay on top of reviewing and keep it low, but I don't see that happening.
Let's see if we can complete this challenge!
(To reiterate Seth's warning) Do it well, though! There's no point in getting it to 0 if it means we close questions about 16.04 and leave the ones about Kali alone. This challenge is a reminder to do your 20-a-day and help the site out!