I have received a negative vote today for no apparent reason (Sorry for my English written skill, am from Venezuela) and i was wondering is there some kind of anti vote system that checks or at least asks for the cause of the negative vote so the user that created the answer/question knows what to fix.
In my case i believe to first tell in a comment what is missing, wrong, etc.. so the user can fix it before receiving a negative vote. That way 2 things can be achieved:
- The user fixes the problem and it looks better for future users.
- The user feels better since the site is not oriented towards who has the more votes (at least positive ones) but who has better explained answers/questions (in this part i suck since when i ask questions i tend to make them very bad..sorry again)
So basically, to know for a "Why do you think this question/answer deserves a negative vote" mechanism that ensures users do not get a magic negative vote without knowing why or what to fix to get it right.