I think that the new Review Tasks is an excellent idea to clean the system of duplicates, dead questions, low quality, etc.
I have noticed while reviewing, that some answers have already been recommended for deletion by other users, but are still showing up. Is there a reason for that, because there is no sense in doing it again, since it has been done. What are the reason(s) for that, and could it be a bug? Plus if an answer has already been looked at, and it is done by another user, why does it still show up in the queue?
Also, I have recommended deletion on some answers, as comment only, or just a link, and I have gotten back from other users, that I was wrong. I really appreciate those users' comments, because it's a learning experience. The reason behind my choices, that what's available. Because sometimes the best choice is no comment, but I don't think that's fair to the user. I think the list of choices should be expanded to include something like, short answer, try to expand, or answer format is wrong. I mean I don't mind doing the editing, but just to really explain to (specially new uses) what is expected from them. Because not everybody reads the FAQs.
Something I have to add is that, sometimes you look at a flagged question, and you see a link, so you approach the choice that says that this a link, and it should have more info than just the link, but you realize that its not a link, but actually an answer to the question, and sometimes a good one, but unfortunately, you can't go back, and fix it. So maybe the ability to go back might be something to look at, so better decisions can be made. I know that I did these mistakes, and I'm thankful for the members who commented, and help me see that there are better choices, and better (simple) ways to make an answer look a lot better. So I hope that we all can keep helping each other, so this can be a great site.
Also since there seem to be a lot of duplicate questions, and questions that need to be closed for other reasons, why can't we have more close votes, or get those back at a shorter time (16 Hours fro me).