How does one request tag cleanup for Questions like: I'm stuck at Firefox 20.0?
I'm asking this because karel's answer is correct. Version 10.04 is way out of the supported life-cycle, and according to EOL Question Handling, in which I totally agree with Oli, what is the proper approach to ask forcefully that a user upgrade to a supported version without calling all poster's that are using EOL Software Total idiots. It really aggravates me that Linux users think that just because If it ain't broke, don't fix it doesn't mean you should give up software updates totally.
Also, since I cannot add one yet, I'd like to request a new tag /eol. I'm not trying to start a flaming discussion here, but if no one keeps the debate going, I have a strange feeling that AU will become nothing but a list of questions for EOL Software. I don't mind leaving the questions open, but as a watcher/editor/moderator I'd like the ability to retag a question EOL.