How does one go about finding questions and answers that are up to date, not 5 or more years old. I ask this so I can avoid the "THIS Question has been asked." that I see in every question.
This is not the stone age you know.
Just tired of spending 10 hours to find answers to questions that are relevant to the version of Ubuntu that is running at the time. My opinion would be drop the data base of everything 4 or more versions back, IE keep 18 16 and 14 and lose the rest.
And by the way, you know I am going to freak out if you give me that "This question as been asked" mesage.
yes I did use version number in my search.
a lot of the time I have found that things are in different places. Not this issue but plymouth was in lib and now in usr. Or told in old post to use this command that you can not get in the repo anymore. So you have to search for source compile and hope you have dependencies.
How did I get here. I was not on Stack Exchange looking for answers. I very very seldom come here.
That one poster is correct, don't throw out the database but at least update it some how so up-to-date info is found easer. Was over on the orange web site looking for yet another new issue. firmware drivers error now that some update came. You know the only time I have any problems is when there is an update. ((well it seems like it anyway))
Anyway sorry for being a pain in the .... Latter.