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Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
Jacob Vlijm's user avatar
Jacob Vlijm
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
55 votes

This is Jorge, Be like Jorge

25 votes

Do we still really need to ask people to accept answers?

23 votes

"Dupes" accross StackExchange sites - How to treat them?

20 votes

Why are there so many helpful people?

19 votes

Am I being unkind? Overly pedantic?

18 votes

What to do with <!-- language: bash --> edits?

16 votes

2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

16 votes

Educating people to flag spam and not vote to close

16 votes

Please don't just vote posts up because you feel sorry for them getting voted down

15 votes

The Asker or the Answerer?

14 votes

How to handle bad title of original question?

14 votes

Re-working another user's answer?

13 votes

Is it ok for my reputation to be edit-based?

13 votes

How should I have made my answer more appealing?

13 votes

Gratitude for everything you all do here

11 votes

What is your opinion about outsourcing larger scripts from answers to GitHub repositories?

11 votes

Should I accept my own answer even if it's inspired by another much detailed answer?

10 votes

Should edits get some rep for upvotes?

9 votes

I cannot seem to find a question I asked earlier

9 votes

Is it ok to comment and see if it works before answer?

9 votes

The ongoing here confuses me finaly

9 votes

Collective "On Topic-ity"

9 votes

Improve my question further in askubuntu

9 votes

Proposal to Change Procedure to Flag Duplicate Answers

8 votes

Ask Ubuntu's stance on Homework-type questions

8 votes

Why are unanswered questions always getting upvotes but no answers?

8 votes

What is considered a community consensus on Meta?

8 votes

When to flag as "Moderator attention"

7 votes

How do you ask OP to reconsider accepted answer and award yours?

7 votes

The question is the same as mine, the accepted answer does not apply to me, how can I raise my own case?