How can I change my profile photo?
I gotta create an account at another site to get my picture on this site to change? That's a problem, because, i don't wanna make an account at some other site. I'm here...not there.
How can I change my profile photo?
I did all that. Problem is, I get back "Request returned an error: [error] | Close". Try finding a solution on google for that! :p I tried, for a while. I keep getting hits on how to change my dang windows wallpaper, or my microsoft account profile picture, or whatever. I guess i don't know how to speak google-ese
How can I change my profile photo?
@Takkat AskUbuntu (directly below where you type your comment) says "Comments are used to ask for clarification or to point out problems in the post". So, to "point out a problem IN your post", your comment is clearly not asking for clarification, and miscategorization isn't exactly a "problem in the post" is it? I see no grammar issues, spelling is spot on, and the question itself is very concise and clear. clicking your link blindly takes me to a 404 page, so i can't even investigate why this question "should be asked in (Meta) .... ". I'm sorry, but your comment is utterly not helpful.