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Seth's user avatar
Seth's user avatar
  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
5 votes

How to search for a particular answer using keyword?

5 votes

Contact Users seen on AskUbuntu

5 votes

Some problems with pro-forma comments

5 votes

My question is marked as duplicate, what does this mean?

5 votes

I can't find a tag called windows-8. Would such a tag be useful?

5 votes

Forum for Ubuntu Phone

5 votes

Posting An Answer

5 votes

Is there some pull medium for my favorite feeds

5 votes

How many comment votes do we each get in a day?

5 votes

How to increase the bounty amount?

5 votes

Is there a limit on how much rep I can give away?

5 votes

Launchpad account recognized on some stackexchanges sites, not all

5 votes

Are questions about getting involved on-topic here?

5 votes

Inconsistency of Tag definitions across the various Stack Exchange sites

5 votes

Why do there seem to be so many cosmetic ads popping up on AU?

5 votes

Can I award myself a bounty?

5 votes

Plenty of broken image links

5 votes

"Not a real question" close reason?

5 votes

Made an edit to a question but didn't get credit for it. Instead, OP did

5 votes

Clarification about these two flags and the ban trigger

5 votes

What effect does voting to Leave Open have?

4 votes

Edit rejected as conflicted with a subsequent edit

4 votes

Why was I banned. Posted question and answer, question accepted answer banned

4 votes

Add Elementary OS Stack Exchange to the off topic banner

4 votes

Can I create and maintain a tag to support unity-tweak-tool?

4 votes

What does "Community♦ reviewed this 3 mins ago: Approve" mean?

4 votes

Do we need the `setup` tag?

4 votes

Am I the first person to be privileged with 100 flags for the day?

4 votes

Custom close reason review

4 votes

Are we making Ask Ubuntu to uninviting to new users

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