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Unanswered Questions

111 questions with no answers
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Sometimes Ctrl+Enter works, sometimes not

When you edit an answer or question you can press Ctrl+Enter to save and finish (same as sending an email on gmail). This works in a couple of other places, but not when you are submitting a question ...
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0 answers

How about dedicating some corner of SE to opinions/recommendations / make a spinoff that will handle forums?

Questions for opinions or recommendations are off-topic here, and I can understand why: whatever answer would be given it will hardly be timeless, and with vague problems, answers will necessarily ...
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0 answers

Can we have a 'talk' button on the answer section?

Often I see a detailed guide on how to install something, in most cases, the commenting on the A, is good enough. But, sometimes the how to needs to be tested on multiple systems (e.g. Ubuntu 12.04, ...
0 votes
0 answers

Suggested edit limit for low rep users

Can limit of suggested edits on the same question be enforced, dropped, or atleast looked at? Here is a more-than perfect example - I allowed this through once, but then it appeared again... This ...
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0 answers

Is there a page which teaches a user how to edit his question?

I need a cool-down after this question. I wish there was a page which teaches a new user how to add information to his question. I couldn't find anything in the about or help page. This would allow ...
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0 answers

Is there a place for a command-line argument wiki format?

What I'm talking about is a wiki syntax dedicated to explaining command lines. We can all try out best with ASCII art, bullet lists, etc, but what would be perfect would be a format that produces a ...

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