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Unanswered Questions

138 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
5 votes
0 answers

Can we make the tags more visible when reviewing suggested edits?

When reviewing suggested edits, the "tags" are at the bottom, and if the post is lengthy, one can sometimes miss taking a look at them to see if they were edited. Also, the suggester might forget to ...
5 votes
0 answers

Flagging message, for ubuntu +1 questions

I think we need a specific flagging message under offtopic because, for ubuntu +1(Saucy Salamander) questions? Update: Some relevant screenshots. As we can see above, we can mark offtopic based on ...
5 votes
0 answers

Should the overlay or tooltip text for voting arrows be changed?

Right now, the text that pops up when you hover the pointer over the voting arrows is identical to the main site, like this: Problem is, the text that pops up when you hover over the vote ...
4 votes
0 answers

Provide way to link to headings from within both Questions and Answers and from comments

Use-case: Intra-Question and Intra-Answer Linking As a user posting either Questions or Answers, I would like to be able to add a link within that Question or Answer to another heading within that, or ...
4 votes
0 answers

Where is the any key. . .

... and other observations. We, as a community, are asked to be nicer so how about the SE Employees help us become nicer by providing a question wizard for new users on the SE network??? No, not ...
4 votes
0 answers

Section with reference to manpages, official documentation

I think there should a section above or below posts/answers with the option to add link(s) to (if any) manpages and/or official (or a similar) documentation to command used in the answer as this will ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to embed an Askubuntu question or answer in a blog post?

I have a personal blog on the Blogspot platform where I often write about Linux. There are moments when I realise that my best texts are those I've wrote here, on askubuntu. So I want to embed my own ...
4 votes
0 answers

Could be possible duplicates arranged by votes in addition to default order?

When I find duplicate question, for example Will not allow me to install playonlinux! Says I have 'held broken packages and flag them, the system shows me the list of possible answers like this: ...
4 votes
0 answers

Meta tag-synonym request: [tags]->[tagging]

While tag is synonymed to tagging, tags is not synonymed yet. Could tags be synonymed to tagging?
4 votes
0 answers

Add a "Migrate to xx SE site" option in the Off-Topic section for flagging questions

When I see a question that is off topic, I'll flag it. But, should we add an option like: o belongs to (dropdown list of SE sites) Questions about (bla bla bla) should be asked here instead ...
4 votes
0 answers

Why I am asked if I am a human being each time to be told that it has not been 20 minutes yet?

Sometime, I would like to create questions for a few issues. Since I don't have enough reputation, when I submit the second question, I am told to wait 20 minutes. The page does not tell up when ...
3 votes
0 answers

Make 18.04 and bionic synonym

When I add tags to the question and type xenial, it suggests me to add 16.04 but when I type bionic, no suggestion is given.
3 votes
0 answers

Get notified about AU Twitter bot tweeting my questions - feature request

I was recently reading this and I understand that the AU (I assume that there are either other Twitter bots on other SE sites or that this is not an AU Twitter bot, but rather just a general SE one?) ...
3 votes
0 answers

Meta Review section should have link back to main Review section

In the main review section on the main site there is such a link: But nothing of the sort to link back on the Meta site in the Review section, I think there should be.
3 votes
0 answers

Would it be helpful to see question comments on the question edit page?

Would it be helpful for those occasions when someone is trying to edit a question to incorporate extra information provided in comments? Would this have more negative effects than positive? I know ...

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