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Unanswered Questions

22 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
0 answers

Edit approved by no-one?

Consider this approved edit (edit by me): Why is reviewer field blank? Who really approved the edit? This only occurs on that particular review and ...
4 votes
0 answers

This edit would have to be a suggested edit

I was reviewing a question which a new user had just posted on the site, by clicking on the Review link. After editing the title (typos) and the main question body, with spelling, layout and English ...
8 votes
0 answers

Could we add on the 'about' page that questions should be edited to provide more information?

On both the about page it is explained how the site works. To my eyes, this should include that a user asking question should edit his post to improve it if some other users are asking clarification ...
7 votes
0 answers

A call to uphold accessibility by not shortening links to "here"

As far as I see there has been some discussion about the shortening of links. While keeping the complete URL visible in the post can clearly be distracting (especially when used inline), I want to ...
6 votes
0 answers

Suggested edits count includes a user's own tag wiki edits

In review, I'm told there are 3 suggested edits for me to approve/reject/improve: (These images are from the old review system; the new system's interface is different but this still seems to occur.) ...
2 votes
0 answers

Tag Wiki Edits on Ask Ubuntu Mobile

Ask Ubuntu mobile does not let you make tag edits, you have to switch to the full site, make the edits, and switch back. And the editor is temperamental on my mobile browser, sometimes working and ...
5 votes
0 answers

The "command-line" tag wiki

I'm very keen on the command-line tag, so I've decided to edit it's tag wiki. I've tried to give a gentle definition of the term, without sounding condescending to those who know about the command ...

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